Follow the video to Learn how to say several fruits in Mandarin ! Its very helpful when you go shopping in China!
水果 | shuǐ guǒ | fruit |
苹果 | píng guǒ | apple |
牛油果 | niú yóu guǒ | adocado |
火龙果 | huǒ lóng guǒ | dragon fruit |
黄瓜 | huáng guā | cucumber |
木瓜 | mù guā | papaya |

水果 | shuǐ guǒ | fruit |
葡萄 | pú táo | grape |
香蕉 | xiāng jiāo | banana |
桃子 | táo zi | peach |
橙子 | chéng zi | orange |
樱桃 | yīng táo | cherry |
哈密瓜 | hā mì guā | Hami Melon |

水果 | shuǐ guǒ | fruit |
草莓 | cǎo méi | strawberry |
蓝莓 | lán méi | blueberry |
梨 | lí | pear |
柠檬 | níng méng | lemon |
香瓜 | xiāng guā | muskmelon |
西瓜 | xī guā | watermelon |
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