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Learn Common Tastes in Chinese

Dao Mandarin

Learn Chinese Taste with Dao Mandarin

Chinese cuisine is built around a balance of flavors, and knowing how to describe them can enhance your culinary experience. Here’s how to say the most common tastes in Chinese:

  1. 甜 (tián) – SweetSweet flavors are found in desserts and dishes like 糖醋排骨 (sweet and sour ribs). Sugar and natural sweetness from ingredients like fruits are often used to create a pleasant sweetness in dishes. Example: "这个蛋糕太甜了。" (Zhège dàngāo tài tián le.) – This cake is too sweet.*

  2. 酸 (suān) – SourSourness in Chinese cuisine often comes from vinegar or pickled vegetables. It is a refreshing flavor that contrasts well with richness. You’ll find it in dishes like 酸辣汤 (hot and sour soup) and 糖醋鱼 (sweet and sour fish).

    Example: "这个柠檬太酸了。" (Zhège níngméng tài suān le.) – This lemon is too sour.

  3. 苦 (kǔ) – BitterBitter flavors are less common but still present in Chinese cuisine, often coming from ingredients like 苦瓜 (bitter melon). Bitter flavors are balanced with other tastes to create harmony in the dish. Example: "这个药很苦。" (Zhège yào hěn kǔ.) – This medicine is very bitter.

  4. 辣 (là) – SpicySpicy flavors are a defining feature of many dishes, especially from regions like Sichuan and Hunan. The use of chili peppers and 麻辣 (má là) numbing spice adds heat and excitement to dishes like 麻婆豆腐 (Mapo Tofu). Example: "这个菜很辣。" (Zhège cài hěn là.) – This dish is very spicy.

  5. 腻 (nì) – Greasy/OilyThis term is used to describe foods that feel greasy or overly rich. Dishes that are deep-fried or use a lot of oil, like certain types of stir-fried meat, can be described as . Example: "这道菜太腻了。" (Zhè dào cài tài nì le.) – This dish is too greasy.

  6. 咸 (xián) – Salty

    Salty flavors come from seasonings like  (yán, salt) and 酱油 (jiàngyóu, soy sauce). Chinese cuisine often balances salty tastes with other flavors to create a complex profile, such as in dishes like 咸鱼茄子煲 (salted fish and eggplant casserole).

Example: "这碗汤太咸了。" (Zhè wǎn tāng tài xián le.) – This bowl of soup is too salty.

By learning these taste words, you’ll not only enhance your ability to describe food in Chinese but also gain a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of flavors in Chinese cooking.

Common Tastes in Chinese Seasonings and Condiments (调料)

Seasonings and condiments are the heart of many dishes, adding depth and enhancing flavor. Below are some of the most commonly used seasonings in Chinese cuisine, along with a few Western condiments to help you navigate recipes from both culinary traditions.

Chinese Seasonings (中方调料)

  1. 醋 (cù) – VinegarChinese cuisine often uses dark or light vinegar to add a tangy, sour flavor. The most famous is 陈醋 (Chéncù), a dark, aged vinegar from Shanxi Province, used in dumpling dipping sauces and many stir-fries.Example: "请给我一点醋。" (Qǐng gěi wǒ yīdiǎn cù.) – Please give me some vinegar.

  2. 酱油 (jiàngyóu) – Soy SauceThere are two main types of soy sauce used in Chinese cooking: 生抽 (light soy sauce) for seasoning and dipping, and 老抽 (dark soy sauce) for richer flavor and color in braised dishes.Example: "我喜欢加点酱油。" (Wǒ xǐhuān jiādiǎn jiàngyóu.) – I like to add a little soy sauce.

  3. 盐 (yán) – SaltSalt is a universal seasoning and a crucial ingredient in all types of cooking. In Chinese cuisine, it’s often added to stir-fries, soups, and sauces.Example: "菜里需要放盐。" (Cài lǐ xūyào fàng yán.) – The dish needs salt.

  4. 料酒 (liàojiǔ) – Cooking WineChinese cooking wine, usually made from rice, is used to add flavor and remove the "fishy" smell from meats and seafood.Example: "做菜时加点料酒。" (Zuò cài shí jiā diǎn liàojiǔ.) – Add some cooking wine while making the dish.

  5. 麻油 (máyóu) – Sesame OilSesame oil is used in Chinese cuisine for its rich, nutty flavor. A small amount is added to dishes or drizzled over soups for an aromatic finish.Example: "这个汤需要麻油。" (Zhège tāng xūyào máyóu.) – This soup needs sesame oil.

  6. 辣椒酱 (làjiāojiàng) – Chili SauceSpicy lovers will enjoy 辣椒酱, a common condiment made from chili peppers. It’s often served alongside noodles and meat dishes for added heat.Example: "这个面很好吃,加点辣椒酱更好。" (Zhège miàn hěn hǎochī, jiādiǎn làjiāojiàng gèng hǎo.) – This noodle dish is tasty; adding chili sauce makes it even better.

Western Seasonings (西方调料)

  1. 橄榄油 (gǎnlǎn yóu) – Olive OilA staple in Western cooking, olive oil is used for sautéing, drizzling over salads, or as a base for sauces.Example: "用橄榄油煎鸡胸肉。" (Yòng gǎnlǎn yóu jiān jīxiōng ròu.) – Fry the chicken breast using olive oil.

  2. 番茄酱 (fānqiéjiàng) – KetchupKetchup is widely used in Western cuisine as a condiment for fries, burgers, and hot dogs, as well as in some recipes.Example: "我喜欢吃番茄酱。" (Wǒ xǐhuān chī fānqiéjiàng.) – I like to eat ketchup.

  3. 芥末 (jièmò) – MustardMustard, in its many varieties, is a tangy and slightly spicy condiment used in sandwiches, burgers, and salad dressings.Example: "给我点芥末。" (Gěi wǒ diǎn jièmò.) – Give me some mustard.

  4. 奶酪 (nǎilào) – CheeseCheese is an essential ingredient in many Western dishes, from pizzas to pasta.Example: "这道菜有奶酪。" (Zhè dào cài yǒu nǎilào.) – This dish contains cheese.

  5. 黑胡椒 (hēi hújiāo) – Black PepperBlack pepper adds heat and depth to Western dishes. It’s often sprinkled on meats and vegetables or used in sauces.Example: "用黑胡椒调味。" (Yòng hēi hújiāo tiáowèi.) – Season with black pepper.

  6. 黄油 (huángyóu) – ButterButter is used for baking, sautéing, and adding richness to sauces and mashed potatoes.Example: "这个面包是用黄油做的。" (Zhège miànbāo shì yòng huángyóu zuò de.) – This bread is made with butter.


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