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magpie and crow

破茧成蝶 Breaking out of the Cocoon and Becoming a Butterfly

00:00 / 01:12


yuè guāng xià , yī kē xiǎo xiǎo de dàn tǎng zài yè zi shàng 。


Under the moonlight, a tiny egg lay on a leaf.

xīng qī tiān zǎo shàng , nuǎn huò de tài yáng shēng shàng lái le 。 yī shēng , yī tiáo yòu xiǎo yòu è de máo máo chóng , cóng dàn lǐ pá le chū lái 。 tā yào qù zhǎo yī xiē dōng xī lái chī 。


On Sunday morning, the warm sun rose. With a sound, a small and hungry caterpillar crawled out of the egg. It wanted to find something to eat.

xīng qī yī , tā chī le yī gè píng guǒ 。 kě shì , dù zi hái shì hǎo è 。


On Monday, it ate an apple. However, its stomach was still very hungry.

xīng qī èr , tā chī le liǎng gè lí zi 。 kě shì , dù zi hái shì hǎo è 。


On Tuesday, it ate two pears. But its stomach was still very hungry.

xīng qī sān , tā chī le sān gè lǐ zi 。 kě shì , dù zi hái shì hǎo è 。


On Wednesday, it ate three plums. Still, its stomach was very hungry.

xīng qī sì , tā chī le sì gè cǎo méi 。 kě shì , dù zi hái shì hǎo è 。


On Thursday, it ate four strawberries. Yet, its stomach was still very hungry.

xīng qī wǔ , tā chī le wǔ gè jú zi 。 kě shì , dù zi hái shì hǎo è 。


On Friday, it ate five oranges. Nevertheless, its stomach was still very hungry.

xīng qī liù , tā chī le yī kuài qiǎo kè lì dàn gāo , yī gè bīng qí lín tián tǒng , yī tiáo xiǎo huáng guā , yī kuài nǎi lào , yī tiáo huǒ tuǐ , yī gēn bàng bàng táng , yī gè yīng táo pài 、 yī tiáo xiāng cháng , yī gè bēi zi dàn gāo hé yī piàn xī / guā 。


On Saturday, it ate a piece of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, a cucumber, a piece of cheese, a slice of ham, a lollipop, a cherry pie, a sausage, a cupcake, and a slice of watermelon.

That night, the caterpillar had a stomachache!

nà tiān wǎn shàng , máo máo chóng de dù zi tòng !


The next day, it was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate a fresh and green leaf and felt much better.

dì èr tiān , yòu shì xīng qī tiān le 。 máo máo chóng chī le yī piàn yòu nèn yòu lǜ de yè zi , jué de shū fú duō le 。



xiàn zài , máo máo chóng bù jué de dù zi è le 。 tā bù zài shì yī zhī xiǎo máo máo chóng le 。 tā shì yī zhī yòu féi yòu dà de ‘ máo máo chóng 。


Now, the caterpillar didn't feel hungry anymore. It was no longer a small caterpillar. It had become a fat and large caterpillar.


ā ! máo máo chóng biàn chéng le yī zhī hǎo piào liàng de hú dié 。


Ah! The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.

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